1.G is blowing me away academically this year. My littler firecracker decided this week that she was going to learn how to write paragraphs, and dang if she didn’t do it. I’m pretty sure her handwriting is better than Mark’s . . .

2. At the used book sale last week I bought an illustrated abridged version of Five Little Peppers and How They Grew for Gram and G to read together. Polly Pepper is another literary heroine that I love for little girls. Gram and G have both been loving the story, and I’ve been loving the way it’s growing their relationship.

3. This month has been an easier one with Mark on a rotation through Plastics. Plastic surgeons don’t work quite as often outside of normal business hours, which means he’s been home most nights for dinner and has had weekends off. We’re trying to really recharge and reconnect this month, so lots of quiet nights in and as much conversation as we can stay awake for. We’ve also been watching Designated Survivor on Netflix, which we’re both enjoying.
4. If you haven’t already signed up for Jenny Uebbing’s new NFP community, Off the Charts, don’t forget- this week is the only chance to do it for 2019. I’ve been a reader of Jenny’s for years, and have loved the honesty and vulnerability that is a hallmark of her writing. Her posts during her pregnancy with daughter Zelie helped me through my last pregnancy. I would read about her struggles and fears and would feel less alone in my own. I recently read a quote from Henri Nouwen that seems to me to sum up Jenny perfectly: “Thus nothing can be written about ministry without a deeper understanding of the ways in which the minister can make his own wounds available as a source of healing.” I am beyond grateful for the ways that Jenny has made her wounds available as a source of healing for me through her blog and now through Off the Charts.

5. William is currently Titanic obsessed, which cracks me up. We got him a boat alphabet book at the used book sale and T was for tugboat and Titanic. Since then we have been talking and learning about the Titanic non-stop. We’ve watched CGI videos of the sinking and interviews with Robert Ballard; we’ve studied icebergs and made maps; and I went back to the sale and found a giant Titanic book. If you ever need Titanic resources, shoot me a message- I’ve combed through the entirety of the internet at this point.
6. Perfectionism and anxiety are topics that G’s therapist and I spent some time talking about this past week, and will in weeks to come as well. It’s a tricky thing- balancing G’s giftedness with her tendencies toward anxiety and perfectionism, along with her fear of failure. One resource I find myself turning more and more to as I figure out the best ways to teach and raise my daughter is Ginny Kochis over at Not So Formulaic. This post on gifted and reluctant learners is especially good.

7. I know a lot of people are looking forward to fall weather and crisp mornings filled with sweaters and all things pumpkin spice, but I must admit, I am thoroughly enjoying the extended summer weather we’re having here. It’s my favorite combination: cool nights and warm days, and lots of sunshine. Fingers crossed it sticks around before we are plunged into the months of the cold, gray horror that is Michigan winter.
8. I’m adding a super special 8th take, because our niece was born this week, and we are so excited to have her in the world. Please say a prayer for precious little Margot, who is still in the hospital, having decided to come early (which means she takes after her mother, as that is decidedly not a Pressprich trait). We love her so much already.
I’m linking up with Kelly today, so head over to read the rest of the Quick Takes.
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