Good morning! (Fingers crossed it will still be morning when I finish this post. . . ) We’ve had a lot going on recently, and since Ben is finally napping and Gram doesn’t need anything at the moment, I’m completely ignoring the housework to write for a bit.
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1. The biggest happenings have been with the oldest and youngest in our family, Gram and Ben. Both are reaching new stages of life, and both are requiring more of my attention each day.
Gram’s dementia is steadily getting worse; she’s losing more and more memories, which is heartbreaking, and she’s more confused these days, particularly in the morning. I’m incredibly grateful that we live in an area with resources to help us, and that we have the means to that, because having a doctor come to our home for her is amazing, as is the in-house physical and occupational therapy she’s getting to help her stay as independent as possible.
Ben is currently my biggest help keeping her rooted in the present moment. A little baby therapy goes a long way, which is something I learned when G was a baby, and we were volunteering at Emmanuel House. Miss Odelia was always happier and more compliant about getting ready for the day when she had G in her arms!

2. Ben continues to be an absolute delight. He is social smiling like crazy and adores watching the big 3 play. G is beyond proud of being allowed to hold him and pick him up- which she does very carefully and under close supervision of course, but boy is it a big help when my hands are full with Gram!
3. Because of Gram’s change in health, we made some changes in how our rooms are arranged. Before, our classroom space was on the opposite end of the first floor from her room, which meant that I couldn’t hear her wake up and that the kids were occupied for a big chunk of the day away from her. So last Saturday we swapped our playroom and classroom, and it has been wonderful.

The classroom space is now in our sunroom, right off the living room and next to Gram’s room. The kids can either work in there or take their materials to the living room. Their school work is much more accessible, and as an added bonus to me, the toys are farther away from the living room!

4. And for a schoolwork update: G is rocking her reading these days. Yesterday, when I asked her to bring out Poppleton (PS, if you haven’t read Poppleton, please do check it out, it’s an adorable book and one of my favorite early readers) so we could finish reading it together, she informed me that she already had, and was now reading an Amelia Bedelia book from the shelf (which is at a higher reading level). Sure enough, that kid could read the whole book!
5. William remains a challenge in the classroom, not due to his ability but his willingness to learn. When he so chooses, he gets all of his lessons done quickly and with no trouble! He is working with the moveable alphabet a few times each week and getting stronger at identifying the sounds in words each time.

6. Little Miss Charlotte is thriving and is proving to be quite enchanted by some new works that she’s had lessons on. She loves using the red and blue rods that great-grandpa made for the kids years ago, and this sorting by size work is her first choice off the shelf every day.
7. Happy Consecration Preparation to any family starting today for the Immaculate Conception! I’m thrilled to hear how many families are using and loving the book. If you’re one of them, I’d be ever so grateful if you would leave an Amazon review (and then, please drop me a line letting me know, so I can send you a thank you!).
I’m linking up with Kelly today, so click on over for the other Quick Takes.
Your story about older confused folks being more compliant with a baby in their arms brought back a bittersweet memory.
My mom/family as I grew up had over for holidays an old, probably bipolar woman. Eventually my mom took the initiative to move her to assisted living. My mom needed her to sign checks, but this lady had survived her life by refusing to part with money. But if my baby eventually toddler sister came with, this lady would sign anything in a hurry so she could cuddle with my sister and read her books (and she was a genius at reading about books with toddlers–she knew how toddlers love to linger over and discuss pictures! So many adults read the text and move on without discussing the pictures/reacting to them/the story.)
That old lady is long gone now, but it’s so pleasant to remember how at the end of her life she had a little child to love again.