Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve done an old-fashioned blog update. And I apologize for that. I know that these are my favorite types of blogs to read, and maybe they’re yours too.
We’ve had a lot going on over these past months, and an extra ton happen in this past week.

First and most importantly, we welcomed our daughter last week. She is an absolute gem of a baby, and I am so grateful to have her on the outside. My blood pressure spiked a few times around week 35 of the pregnancy, so she became our first induction at 37 weeks, and wow was that a different experience.
As someone who doesn’t particularly enjoy pregnancy, it was a mental game-changer to have an end-date that was set. The planner in me also really appreciated knowing just when she was going to arrive- we were able to plan homeschool transitions, prep the kids for going to Grandma’s, and make sure that all of the baby stuff got done. I was also able to finish some final writing pieces and get those turned in before deadlines (as an aside, please do check out my piece on St. Gianna for Unleash the Gospel and my piece on the four women Doctors of the Church for OSV News).
The induction went well, and at some point I’ll share her whole beautiful birth story, but it’s still early, and I’m definitely still in the post-partem haze stage of life, so it will have to wait.
All of the children are just enchanted by her, and I am loving seeing Ben become a big brother. We’ve got Mark home for one more week, which feels luxurious, even though it shouldn’t because two weeks of paternity leave is nothing (the medical world really does need to step up in the quality of life department). While he’s home, baby girl and I are just snuggling and nursing.

The other wonderful event that happened this past week was that my newest book The Women Doctors of the Church finally launched after lots of supply-chain related delays. I am beyond excited to see it arriving at homes all over the country! Writing it was truly an act of love, and it’s just joy to see it come to fruition.

If you’ve ordered a copy and have received it, I would humbly ask you to leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads- it really does make a difference in helping the book to be found more easily by other families.
Okay, little miss is ready to nurse, so it’s time to put down the computer and snuggle back up. Happy feast of St. Teresa of Avila!