The Book Journals Series

 for all the readers in your family

Create a Reading Culture at home

Reading can change the course of your life.

Reading opens doors and broadens minds. It can take us to new worlds and help us to understand new perspectives. These journals are designed with your family in mind, to be a place where you can record your unique reading journeys. 

Why should I record my reads? 

To remember what you've read. 

So you can give friends recommendations

To keep a record of your growth as a reader 

To become a more active reader

A Journal for Young Readers

As my daughter started reading chapter books, I went on the hunt for a book journal for her, but I just couldn't find one that I liked. 

They were either far too academic or much too simple. I wanted a place for her to keep a record of her reads, but one that wasn't a chore to fill out. 

Instead of settling for something that just didn't fit, I decided to write one with her (and kids like her) in mind. 

family book journal

A reading journal for the whole family

Our family loves to read. We have read scores and scores of books over the years, and I want us to always be able to remember our favorites. 

Someday, I'd like to be able to look back on our reading journey as a family, to be able to laugh over the share memories of snuggles on the couch during read alouds or long car rides with a really great audiobook. 

If your family is anything like ours, you're going to want a copy of Family Favorites- it has space for 100 of your family's treasured reads, along with space for to record why you love them.

book journal

Don't feel left out momma!

There's a book journal for you too! 

My kids always take to a new habit easier when I model it for them, which is why there's this matching grown-up version of the book log.

Designed for busy moms and dads, the layout is simple: title, author, genre, and a space for "notes and quotes."

Need help choosing your next great read?