Teaching your Kids Catholic Social Doctrine

My kids are getting older which means that they’re becoming more and more about the world around them. This is a good thing. It is normal and appropriate. I have no desire to keep my children sheltered from everything in society. But I do want them to be rooted in what the Church teaches. Understanding … Read more

Catholic Books that Should be on Your Shelf But Aren’t

If you’ve clicked around this site at all, you’ve probably already figured out that I love books. And, more than that, I love quality books- books that are full of depth, meaning, and beauty- both for my kids and for myself. So with that in mind, here are a few new (or new-ish) Catholic books … Read more

Resources on the Eucharist

Resources on the Eucharist

The Source and Summit of our Faith. The focus of the entire year. Jesus, fully present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist. Bread and wine become body and blood, and it is the greatest miracle the world has ever experienced. And yet, sometimes it’s tricky to explain to our kids. Sometimes we … Read more

Jesse Tree Ornaments

When I started writing my book, The Jesse Tree for Families, I knew that one of the non-negotiables for me was having a set of beautiful ornaments that go with it. So many ornaments out there are (in my opinion) underwhelming, not beautiful or enticing to a child. And for me that’s part of what … Read more

Catholic Holy Week Books for Kids

No, you didn’t make a major calendar mistake. It’s not Holy Week quite yet. But I am planning out my Catholic Holy Week books. But as we make our way through Lent, I’m beginning to prepare for Holy Week. Since my kids are still little (and because it’s crazy around here), I like to keep … Read more

Introduction to the Women Doctors of the Church

For the last few months, I’ve been working on something I’m pretty excited about. I’ve been branching out into more speaking engagements, which I absolutely love (and if you’ve got an event or retreat or are looking for a speaker, please do send me an email!) But, since I can’t come to all of your … Read more