Catholic Books that Should be on Your Shelf But Aren’t

If you’ve clicked around this site at all, you’ve probably already figured out that I love books. And, more than that, I love quality books- books that are full of depth, meaning, and beauty- both for my kids and for myself.

So with that in mind, here are a few new (or new-ish) Catholic books that have captured our imaginations lately.

Catholic Books for Kids

Catholic Fiction

There are two new favorite kids books in my home right now, and both are from OSV Kids, which is a fantastic imprint in general. The first is I Can Pray Anywhere. It’s by Donna Marie Cooper-O’Boyle, and it’s a beautiful illustration for young kids that pray is meant to be relational. I love that the message is that we can and should share all of the moments of our day with God.

The second is a new title from longtime favorite author, Gracie Jagla. I actually had the privilege of reading this book before it was published, and I have been waiting to be able to share it with my kids. Gracie is a talented children’s author, and her books just get better and better. When Mary Says Yes is the perfect book to teach kids the important lesson that all of our little yeses to God make it easier to say the big yeses.

Catholic Fiction Books for Adults

Catholic fiction

I am passionate about Catholic fiction, and it drives me nuts that so many people don’t know that there are talented Catholic authors across all genres publishing quality literature today. I’m not talking about just literary fiction (unpopular opinion alert- I don’t like Flannery O’Connor), I’m talking historical fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, murder mysteries. On this list, you’ll find books that will entertain and engage you, but won’t require you to check your faith at the door first. You can download the full list (with what I love about them and the information from the back cover) here.

These are all books I’ve read and enjoyed, and I hope you do too. Send me a note and let me know what you think, and also, please please, if you enjoy a book, head over to Amazon or Good Reads and support the author by leaving a review!

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