Church Tour

This morning we took a family church tour. We are beyond blessed to be members at a parish as welcoming to young families as St. Paul’s is, and I am so grateful to Fr. Craig, our associate pastor, who took time out of his busy schedule to show my kids (and Mark, my Mom, and I) around the sanctuary, the confessional, the vestry, and the sacristy.

The kids had a wonderful time. William especially soaked it all up. They were ecstatic at the opportunity to go up to the altar, to see the tabernacle up close, to listen as Father explained all the parts of the Church. They loved seeing and touching the chalice used at mass, learning about where the hosts come from and where the sacramental wine is kept. Gianna was especially excited to get to see inside the confessional. She is always upset when Mark and I go to confession, and we don’t let her come in with us.

Fr. Craig did an amazing job explaining all of it to the kids, and made the faith so much more accessible to them. I cannot recommend taking a tour of your parish enough (local friends especially- Fr. Craig is a gift!).
