Y’all, it’s been a day. A. Day. 100% of the chaos, and 0% of the cleaning and productivity. Here’s life in a nutshell:
I had my act together this morning. I was on top of things and for once managed to get bread going first thing in the morning so it would be ready for lunch (mental note: I really need to make more already prepped bags). Except that apparently, the paddle on the bread machine wasn’t all the way attached, so my bread turned out like this:

Which of course I did not realize until the bread machine beeped at lunchtime.
But, since it was in fact all the way baked, was still good, and I had no other items on hand for lunch (Saturday is our grocery day, so by Friday ingredients are a bit sparse), it was definitely going to be lunch anyways, so behold: Dipping Toast!

Spoiler: it’s tiny chunks of warm bread. But the homemade freezer jam really makes it pop.
It was a huge hit, and they ate the entire loaf of weird looking bread. Win.
I’m linking up with Kelly this week, who has managed a whole year in review post, but on my end, I’ll leave you with this fabulous video from YouTube and call it a night.
(except not really, because there are tons of dishes in the sink, and I’ve got some writing to do before I can sleep . . . )