I first encountered this wonderful saint when I was a missionary at Life Teen’s Camp Covecrest in Tiger, GA. St. Therese is the patroness of missionaries, so in formation class we spent time reading her autobiography, Story of a Soul.
At first I didn’t feel at all connected with her- she seemed so faithful, so without struggles.
It wasn’t until I delved deeper into her spirituality and attempted to live it out in my own life that I realized just how challenging her “Little Way” truly was.
One of the things that I love (and hate sometimes, because honestly, don’t we all just hate that kick in the pants that we oh so very much need?) about St. Therese is her faithfulness.
She speaks of the Lord with such intimacy, such trust, such childlike love of her Father. I aspire to her faith. She never doubts that she is loved, that God loves her. I do. I doubt, more than I care to admit. In my sin and my struggle I worry that I’m not worthy, that I’m not in a condition to run to God with open arms.
It is then that St. Therese calls me out. She reminds me with her unwavering trust that though I fail, God is still my Father. She reminds me that it is in the moments when I am at my lowest that I must not listen to the voice of the Devil telling me to wait to turn to God until I have my act together again and have proved myself worthy of His love.
It is then above all other times that I must run to God as fast as I am able, ask forgiveness, and snuggle close in His arms. Therese in her “littleness” reminds me of the love God seeks to give me. She reminds me to receive. Receptivity can be a difficult thing for me. I’m working on it . . .
Add to your fun and download this free Saint Therese holy card by artist Rebecca Gorzynska

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and complete your St. Therese celebration.