My kids are getting older which means that they’re becoming more and more
God the Father's Love
a Journey through Scripture for Catholic Families
How do we cut through the noise of the world to help our children hear the still, small voice of God? The answer is found in the pages of the Bible, God's living and breathing Word. Introducing our children to Sacred Scripture will help prepare them to encounter God in their lives and to recognize the sound of his voice.
In God the Father's Love, you will encounter the heart of God the Father for yourself -- perhaps for the first time -- and find the words and confidence to guide your children along the first steps of their journey with God. This beautifully illustrated book dives into twenty different Scripture passages that reveal God the Father's love for us. You'll be guided through the process of reading and relating to Scripture as a family, and conversation starters at the end of each chapter will help spark meaningful discussion and reflection.
Take a Peek Inside God the Father's Love
Illustrator Amy Heyse walks you through the book with an inside look at how she created the illustrations.
Reviews of God the Father's Love
I know that when I'm choosing a book for my children, I listen to the reccomendations of my friends and family, and I read as many reviews as possible. Here are a few of the reasons why readers are choosing and loving God the Father's Love.

help your children feel loved and cherished by god
How important it is for us all to feel loved and cherished by Our Father in Heaven! As parents, with all the noise of the secular world, this is one of our most sublime, important, yet ultra challenging tasks. This book will be a great ally to show your little ones (and not so little ones) who God is, what He does and how much He loves us through Scripture passages, reflections and conversation starters. As a homeschool mom and Catholic wife, the author Colleen Pressprich knows well what lays at the heart of a woman who loves the Lord and wants to take her family to heaven. We love all of her books and I am pretty sure this one will be a big hit with our kids as well!

Feel confident having conversations about faith
Once again, Colleen Pressprich has created a beautiful resource for families to grow together in faith. Often, it can be hard to phrase the questions and have the conversations that are so important as children grow and Colleen gives the jumping off points for those conversations in this new book. Parents and teachers of faith would benefit with this beautifully illustrated book for conversation and journal prompts.
God the Father's Love
Catholic Mom Summer Family Book Club 2024

'm author Colleen Pressprich, a wife and mom with a passion for helping other families grow their domestic church.
The site gets it’s name from Therese’s desire to find the easy way to Heaven, the elevator that is the Arms of Christ, and I often find myself clinging to St. Therese's wisdom during the tough seasons of motherhood. She has been a dear friend of mine for over a decade and constantly calls me deeper and challenges me in my faith journey. Her simple confidence in the Lord is what I strive for in my own life, and I admire her for her ability to rest in the Love of God always. Her testimony that her vocation is to love, is a battle cry this broken world needs, and somewhat of a family motto over here at our house.
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