How We Montessori

Last year I was starting to feel very pinched in our little house. I was dying to introduce more Montessori into the kids’ lives, but we just didn’t have the space. One night as I was lamenting about this to Mark, he suggested turning part of our unfinished basement into a classroom. Every night for … Read more

Let’s Play a Little Catch Up

The last few years have been full, to say the least. Writing hasn’t been a part of my schedule for so long, but I’m glad to find that somehow, someway, we have some margins in our life again. Most days, I feel like I can really breathe, feel like myself, the woman I was made … Read more

Three (Delicious) Days of Pork

pork recipes

Because I know you all want to know what we’re eating over here these days. Last week pork butt was on sale at Meijer and so my dear husband picked up almost 10lbs of it. So this has been the week of Pork. And it has been fabulous. Yesterday I made this fabulous Pork Ragu with a … Read more

Month Three: What We’ve Learned

We are three months into medical school, and its been quite a ride so far. As we all continue to grow into this life, we are learning a lot. Here are some highlights from the past month. Grandma Has learned that some new things can be wonderful. This month we found her a new doctor … Read more

Today My Child Ate Cat Vomit

Yup. It’s exactly like it sounds and just as gross. This morning after her morning nap (of which she is now a regular partaker- woooohoooo!), Gianna decided to sample a tasty treat she found under Grandma’s chair. I had turned away for a moment to put something away on the table, and when I turned … Read more

A Day of Blessings

Today was a pitiful day for my Gigi. She caught a nasty cold a little while ago (and generously shared it with the rest of the family), and while we thought we had gotten the best of it, today was a down day for my little one. There was no naptime and very little play … Read more

Sr. Laura’s Final Vows

We spent this past weekend in Ann Arbor with family celebrating my sister-in-law’s final vows with the Servants of God’s Love. It was an incredibly moving and wonderful weekend. When I first met Laura, pretty early on in dating Mark, I was struck by how joyful she was in her vocation, and that joy has only … Read more

Sleep Struggles

I was going to to give this blog post a more positive title, but alas, we had kind of a rough night last night. Sleep has been a struggle in the Pressprich household since this baby’s birth. Gianna, like her father before her, has never been a great sleeper. When she was very tiny she … Read more