In Which I Cut Off My Hair

Post-partum hair loss hit me hard. Now, I’ve never been particularly vain about my hair. It’s pretty average hair- fine, decent thickness, reasonably pretty color. It can hold a curl in a pinch, but I’ve never mastered much more than a ponytail style-wise. But to have large (and I do mean large) chunks of it … Read more

Photo Wall DIY

We recently moved into a new home, and so I’ve been unpacking and decorating. I knew right away that I wanted to put up a wall of photos in our dining room, but wasn’t sure how I wanted to go about it. After much Pinterest scouring, I decided to take our old frames (we are … Read more

Old Toy, New Wonders

During our recent trip to Connecticut, we packed up my childhood treasures to bring back to Michigan. Amongst them was my old doll, Maude. I named her after my Great-Aunt Maude, who gave her to me. I have only very vague memories of Great-Aunt Maude, she died when I very young, but I’m told I … Read more

One Month Down

43 more to go! But who’s counting. . . This week Mark had his first set of exams in histology and anatomy, and I’m proud to report that he aced both of them. We have made it through our first month of medical school and are starting to find our rhythm.  Now that the moving … Read more

Tuesdays in GP

It’s exam week at Wayne State, and so Mark is prepping for his first exams of medical school. Which means that all of the studying he does normally (three hours a morning beginning at 4:30am six days a week, 9-6 at school, then a couple of hours after dinner before bed) has ramped up even … Read more

Encounters with St. Therese

saint therese

I first encountered this wonderful saint when I was a missionary at Life Teen’s Camp Covecrest in Tiger, GA. St. Therese is the patroness of missionaries, so in formation class we spent time reading her autobiography, Story of a Soul. At first I didn’t feel at all connected with her- she seemed so faithful, so … Read more

Awash with Help

Please forgive the pun- I think I’ve lived with Mark for too long! Yesterday Gram and I were folding laundry in the living room with both the baby and cat sprawled out on the pile of clothes. And as we laughed at the antics of the two trying to get our attention, I was struck … Read more

St. Therese’s Elevator

I’ve had some comment about the name of the blog and questions about this “elevator to Heaven”, so I thought I’d spend a little time and explain where the idea came from. The name was suggested by a friend of mine, Sister Kate, who knows of my love of St. Therese. This is the quote … Read more

Life With Grams

My grandmother has always been one of my favorite people. Growing up she was my confidant, the person I would run to if my mom made me mad. She taught me how to bake, sew, and quilt. Some of my favorite childhood memories are the days I spent in her kitchen and sewing room. When … Read more