Snapshots of a Nap

9:45am Signs of tiredness. Nursing and snuggles 10:15am Retire to the bedroom for naptime. Turn on Gianna’s music, which for the record is Gregorian Chant. Place in crib. Not pictured: Hazel, our cat and Gianna’s favorite play mate, climbing into the crib to lay down next to the baby when she heard Gianna cry. 11:45am 12:10pm

Restless, in more ways than one

We don’t sleep much over here. This child of mine doesn’t seem to need very much. She wakes up every couple of hours at night. She takes one, maybe two, 20 minute power naps during the day. If she sleeps for longer it’s because she’s being held. I thought that maybe once she started moving … Read more

Hello world!

This morning’s first reading was from Exodus 16, the story of the manna from Heaven.  And as I was sitting in mass listening to our priest’s homily,  he pointed out that God didn’t provide the Israelites with a year’s worth of food, He instructed them to gather their daily provision. He would be with them … Read more