This past Easter we moved into a new house, a forever home. After renting through medical, we realized that we had outgrown our flat along with all the rentals in our area. After working with a spectacular realtor, we found a gem- the perfect house for our family. The floor plan is ideal; we have room to grow; and it had no must-fix projects. Now that we’re mostly moved in and settled (except for those last boxes. . . .), I thought I’d give a virtual house tour.
Before I begin, I want to say that we have been incredibly blessed by hand-me-down furniture, fixtures, and household accessories. When we moved into our flat when Mark started medical school, my mom was downsizing and gave us a lot of furniture. And this past winter, Mark’s parents moved into a new house and passed on what they weren’t going to use. The town where we live is also a fabulous location for alley-picking, and we have a great Buy Nothing group.
Let’s start at the front door. When you walk in to the house, to the right you’ll find the library. This is my favorite room. It’s peaceful and prayerful, a no play zone of the house. I still find it hard to believe we have a house with built in bookcases. It feels utterly extravagant and luxurious. In the corner is my big prayer chair, and in front of the fireplace the kiddos have their own little chairs. We also have a desk and plenty of space to sprawl out and study. G and I often do her history and geography work in here.

Across the hallway from the library is our living room. It’s long and lovely. The house’s previous owner had great taste and her color scheme for the house is so warm and inviting. We arranged the furniture so we could have Gram’s chair in front of the big picture window, where she can people watch to her heart’s content. The kids have a bookshelf, Will’s box of trains, some puzzles, and their Pikler triangle in the room, but all other toys are kept elsewhere (in theory at least if not in practice). Mark’s mom has fabulous taste in rugs and throw pillows. We’ve only hung one picture up so far in here. I haven’t quite figured out what to do with the rest of the wall space yet . . .
Left side Right side

Off of the living room is Gram’s room. Our one “must have” item when we were house hunting was a first floor master for Gram. It’s such a cute room, complete with a purple accent wall, but she won’t let me photograph it, so you’ll have to imagine.
I did manage to sneak into her bathroom, which is my favorite in the house. It has what William calls the “airplane tub”, so named because it has jets.

Continuing back from whence we came, we reach the dining room. It’s serving dual purpose now, as my sewing machine resides there, with our current pieces resting on Mark’s Grandma’s hope chest. My mom gets the credit for the arrangement of the furniture- she has a great eye for it.

And lest you think that my house is too neat to be real, here are two rooms that are often a mess: the kitchen and the sun room (which doubles as the kids’ playroom)

Our downstairs powder room is adorable and pink.

That’s it for the downstairs. Upstairs we have 3 bedrooms: the girls share a room, William is in another, and Mark and I are in the 3rd. There are two bathrooms as well. Here are a few pictures of the bathroom tiles because they are spectacular, and shots of the master bedroom, which is the only one that doesn’t have sleeping children in it right now.

So there you have it. The Pressprich family abode. I hope you’ve enjoyed our little house tour and that you’ll stop by again soon.