Last year I wrote about our favorite equipment for indoor gross motor activities. This morning we took some of them out to play with some friends who came over, so I thought I’d share a few of the games that we play and the other ways we use them.
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I should note, we’ve added a couple of items to our stash since last year that have proven very helpful!
- Prince Lionheart Ride On Ladybug When we traveled to Cleveland and visited the children’s museum there, this was a HUGE hit with all 3 kids. And Mark’s sister gave one to Charlotte last year for her birthday. They ride it all over the house.
- Colored Bean Bags My mom got these for us on sale last winter. The kiddos love them (though they do stay up and out of sight when not in use to avoid being thrown all over and breaking everything)
- Colored Play Dots Another gift from my mom, and also hugely helpful.
Okay, now on to the games . . .
Obstacle Course

This is their absolute favorite and has countless iterations. I can make it as simple or as complicated as I am in the mood for. Usually I start down the hallway and run it into the living room. For this I often use a combination of the colored dots, the balance beams, and the pikler triangle.
For example: this morning I put dots all down the hallway and told them to frog jump from lily pad to lily pad. Then they had to walk across the balance beams and not touch the hot lava carpet. And finally, they had to climb the mountain (aka the pikler triangle).
Sometimes I time them, sometimes they race each other down parallel courses.
Sometimes they come up with their own courses and challenge each other to complete them.
Be An Animal
This game also has tons of versions that we love. I’ll give the kids an animal and they have to go back and forth across the house. Our favorites: bear crawl, hermit crab, frog jumps, kangaroos, and ponies.
Follow the Leader
We all played this at one point or another in gym class. The simple rules are that you follow whatever the leader does and where ever he or she goes.
Red Light, Green Light
Another classic, and great for working on listening skills and following directions.
Jump to the ____ Color Dot
This one is a game that helps learning colors. I spread out all of our colored dots on the living room floor. Each kid takes a turn and has to jump (or leap or run or crawl or whatever) to the color dot that you call out. Not only do they have to pay attention to the words you’re saying, but they have to look and find the correct color on the floor.
Bean Bag Toss
Throwing things is an important developmental skill, and I’ve found that it is hard to outlaw throwing entirely during our indoor winter months. I’ve had more success in giving the kids an appropriate outlet for that need. So we play bean bag toss down our hallway. They aim for the colored dots at the end of the hall and practice their aim and learning to control how hard they are throwing. .
How Many Times Can You ______?
My kids are always up for a challenge or competition. A dare is a sure way to get them to participate in any activity. So when I see them needing to burn off a little steam, I ask them a question: how many times can you?
Things I often ask:
- jump like a frog
- hop on one foot
- do a somersault
- climb the stairs
- do jumping jacks

What are your favorite indoor gym games when you can’t get your kids outdoors? Drop a comment below, I’m always on the lookout for new activities to use with my monkeys!