Finding just the right homeschool religion curriculum has been one of the biggest challenges for us over the years, but last year I stumbled upon a fantastic new resource- Into the Deep, an open-and-go Catholic homeschool religion program that is meaty without being dully and has absolutely no fluff included.

Level one, along with several smaller unit studies, released last year, and level two just released. I got a sneak peek at level two and wanted to share it with you along with why I’m using it with my crew this year.
How Into the Deep Works
This program is open-and-go, which means there is very little to no prep for a given lesson. You find the presentation you’re on and just get started. This is a huge win for me because with 6 kids being homeschooled, two toddlers running around, and a new baby on the way, I have limited prep time during the week (read: no prep time).
As a family catechesis program, Level One is designed to be used with everyone. When we used it last year, I had the K-3rd crew for every lesson, and then I picked and chose what the 4 year olds could understand and then gave them those lessons. Level Two is designed for 4th-6th grades, but because of the catechesis G has had along with her reading level and abilities, I’ll be using it with her too, even though she’s just a third grader.

The program is designed to give 2 lessons a week if you want to finish over the course of a single school year, but there’s flexibility built in so that you can spread it out or condense it depending on what your individual family needs.
What Do Lessons Look Like?
Oh my goodness is this curriculum beautiful. I LOVE the artwork and the design of it, and my kids are definitely drawn to the images.
Because it’s a Charlotte Mason inspired curriculum, you’ll find that lessons contain features like poetry, copy work, nature study, and, of course, teaching through story.
In addition to straight catechesis, Into the Deep places a high value on relationship, providing children with many opportunities to encounter the Person of Jesus and grow in relationship with him. As a mom, I absolutely love that.
Into the Deep Content
Level One will take you through the Bible and each of the seven sacraments. You’ll find lessons on each of the major figures and events contained in Sacred Scripture and explanations of how they relate to the Church today.

Level Two is centered around Salvation History, looking especially at the foreshadowing contained in the Old Testament. It also covers Church history from the early Church through the middle-ages. Saints, morality, and prayer are woven throughout.

If you’re looking for the right curriculum for your kids this year, you cannot go wrong with Into the Deep.
And, as a special bonus, if you type in the promo code colleen10, you’ll get 10% off your purchase.
I just came across a Pinterest post from 2019 that took me to your blog. Is your grandmother still with you? Have you moved to a larger house?
HI! We did move to a larger house a few years ago. Unfortunately Gram passed away just this past year. It was a tough loss for all of us, but she had a long and beautiful life.