It’s starting to feel like Summer . . .
It’s finally warmed up here in Michigan, which of course means that we went from snow a few weeks ago to 90 degree temps, because of course.
June is always a favorite month of mine- it always brings the expectation and anticipation that summer (and summer vacation) is almost upon us. We are beginning to wind down our homeschool year and are spending more and more of our days outside, and I love it.
Liturgically, June is a favorite month of mine as well. It’s full of some pretty amazing feast days, and several solemnities. Interestingly, many of the feasts we’ll celebrate this upcoming month are moveable feast days, which means that they don’t fall on the same day each year but rather are dependent on the date of Easter.
For example, the feast of Corpus Christi, the day we celebrate the Body and Blood of Christ present in the Eucharist, is held the Sunday after Trinity Sunday, which falls the Sunday after Pentecost, which comes 50 days after Easter. A little confusing, right?

If you’re looking for a way to make it easier for yourself, I’ve created a handy printable that you can hang on your fridge with all of the important June 2021 feasts on it. You can download it here.
I’ve also got the Liturgical Living: June Pinterest board up and running, so check it out for some easy, fun activities and resources for the month.
Also, if you’re a sewer or a quilter, please click on over to Jen’s site for the most gorgeous Sacred Heart quilt pattern you will ever see. I drool over it regularly and am looking forward to tackling it someday when the little people are grown up and I have time on my hands.
I’m linking up with Kelly this morning, so also be sure to click over there and read the rest of the quick takes.