I’ve been a fan of the blog Not So Formulaic for years. It is my go-to resource when I’m feeling in over my head with my own 2E child. I’ve written before about how helpful Ginny’s toolkits have been for our family, and so I was so excited to see that she had written a Lenten resources for families just like ours (and yours!).
Including our kids in our Lenten observances is a goal of ours this year, and this book is going to be perfect. Words of affirmation and quality time are two of G’s love languages. She thrives when we spend time together, especially when we’re talking or working on a project, and Letters of Love has both!

The format is beautiful and simple. For each week of Lent, Ginny includes:
- a short scripture passage
- a family prompt for your letters of love (or pictures or collages or discussions!)
- a saint of the week to explore
- suggestions for how to live out the pillars of lent (fasting, almsgiving, and prayers
- an extension activity if your family is ready for more
What I’m excited about: I love that activities are weekly and not daily, which is so much more realistic for life with little kiddos and a husband in residency. They are thoughtful, but not too onerous, which makes it so much more likely that we will keep up with it for the entirety of Lent, instead of losing steam halfway through.
Stations of the Cross for Kids
Pray the Stations of Cross with your family, parish, class, or catechism class this Lent

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