My grandmother has always been one of my favorite people. Growing up she was my confidant, the person I would run to if my mom made me mad. She taught me how to bake, sew, and quilt. Some of my favorite childhood memories are the days I spent in her kitchen and sewing room. When I moved away from home, we never lost touch, but I did miss seeing her regularly.

As my mother started thinking about selling her house in Connecticut and moving closer to us, Mark and I started talking about how to move Grandma closer too and realized very quickly that we wanted her to live with us. It took a little bit of convincing to get Gram on board, but we were able to convince her to join this crazy household and about a month ago she moved into our new home.

And it has been a joy. We have loved every minute of having her here, and I don’t see that changing. I love the way Gianna’s face lights up in the morning when she first sees Gram and the way that she lunges for her and wants to be held. What a gift for my daughter to grow up in an multi-generational household! What a gift for me to have this time with my grandmother after more than a decade spent only seeing her once or twice a year. I have so enjoyed our conversations over coffee in the morning, having her at the dinner table, and watching her grow in relationships with both Mark and Gianna. It has been beautiful.

For us it has been an easy transition, seamless in many ways. For Grandma it has been harder, and I admire her so much for it. She has moved halfway across the country and left her friends, her home, the places that she has known to be here. She gave up driving and living on her own when she moved and the loss of that independence weighs heavy on her sometimes. She has had to get used to living with a baby and a medical student, a stubborn granddaughter, and a nosey cat. And she has done it all with grace and courage. I am so blessed by the way that she loves us all, the way that she cares for Gianna and helps keep me sane during the day. Its a different life than any of us thought we’d be leading right now, but I am beyond grateful for it!