Choosing a date for your Marian Consecration doesn’t have to be difficult, but there are some things to keep in mind as you think about when to complete a consecration:
Today’s Date
Do you want to get started right away? Worried you might forget if you put it off until later in the year? Then just look at the liturgical calendar for next month and check if there are any Marian feast days (Spoiler alert: there’s usually at least one). You’ll need to start your consecration prep 33 days ahead of time, so count backwards from the date you want to choose and that’s your starting date.
Your Family’s Personal Calendar
Preparation for a Marian Consecration as a whole family requires that you be together as a whole family for at least a few minutes a day. Is this season of your life super busy with soccer games and ballet recitals and meetings for work? Then maybe another month might be better and allow you to savor the experience more without feeling rushed or like the preparation is just one more thing to check off your list. You want to be able to enjoy this time together as a family and have time to answer any questions that come up with your kids.
Which Title of Our Lady Resonates with you and your Family?
Mary is known by a myriad of names all over the world, and many people find that there are one or two titles that are close to their hearts. I like to think of them as nicknames, names we use when we need to snuggle in and feel especially close to our Momma’s heart.
If you’re a mom that struggled with breastfeeding, Our Lady of La Leche may be who you turn to. If you feel like life is in a tangle, Our Lady, Undoer of Knots might be your gal. Of course, they are all Mary, no matter what name they call her by.
If you aren’t sure if there is a title that resonates with you, check out the Litany of Loreto– it’s chock full of them! (It’s also included in Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children, so if you have your copy, just turn to day 32).
What About Apparitions?
Would you like to choose to celebrate your consecration on the anniversary of when Mary appeared here on earth? Then you might want to choose an apparition date:
- Our Lady of Fatima
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- Our Lady of La Salette
- Our Lady of Knock
- Our Lady of Good Help
- Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
- Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Our Lady of Kibeho
These are just some of the Marian apparitions that have been approved by the Holy See as “worthy of belief”.
There are many more metrics that you can use to choose your Marian Consecration Date. Whichever you choose, trust that Our Lady will bless it and will bless the time of preparation for you and your family.
Thinking of Completing a Marian Consecration with your family?