We are three months into medical school, and its been quite a ride so far. As we all continue to grow into this life, we are learning a lot. Here are some highlights from the past month.

Has learned that some new things can be wonderful. This month we found her a new doctor (amazing!) and are trying some new things to keep her as healthy as possible. She’s getting out more and taking short walks around the neighborhood. And she’s even visited the Senior Center in town, and loved it! It’s good to see her out and about again!

Mark has learned that the baby’s speed roughly triples as soon as she goes out of sight. She also shows greatly increased interest for the basement stairs when she realize he’s not paying attention. We may need to invest in a helmet. Or a tether.

Has learned how to pull on a tablecloth to get whatever she wants off the table (namely- butter).
She has also learned how to growl (very ladylike), and how to blow on her food, which is adorable as she doesn’t differentiate between hot and cold items.
She isn’t walking yet, but does seem to be chattering more and more these days, often at 4am. I think she’s going to wow us with some new words soon.
I’ve learned (yet again) that God’s grace is abundant and renews each morning. And thank heavens for that!
But this I will call to mind; therefore I will hope: The Lord’s acts of mercy are not exhausted, his compassion is not spent; They are renewed each morning- great is your faithfulness! -Lamentations 3:21-23