1.We already live a life that is pretty socially distanced, thanks to my introverted nature, the kids’ ages, and our homeschooling, so I wasn’t expecting a huuuuge difference in our day to day life, but then I got sick, and realized that I had underestimated the anxiety that goes along with an unknown virus being around. I’ve probably just got the flu, and will be back up and running soon, fingers crossed. I’m already starting to feel better, and am hoping that everyone else stays healthy. The unknowns are frustrating though, especially with Gram in the house. So we are locking down and making sure to be even more isolated than normal.

2. Gram update: Gram is pretty mad at the world right now, and doesn’t appreciate being isolated in her room. She has her own room and bathroom, which makes it easier to keep everything germ-free G and my Mom have been bringing her food to her, and I’ve been staying all the way away. Even just the flu is dangerous for the elderly, so these are our usual precautions when someone gets sick in the house. But it’s hard on her to be alone. It makes me even more grateful that we get to take care of her in our home, that isolation is the exception not the norm for her. I’m saying extra prayers this week for all those in nursing homes who are cut off from their families entirely.
3. We’re doing lots of extra cleaning (and by we, I mean my mom and Mark, because I’ve been laid up for most of this week). And are trying to find toilet paper- we are legitimately almost out. I place a Costco order once a month for dry goods (cereal, snacks, peanut butter). It saves me from spending more money in the store on all the amazing things that they have. And every other month or so I buy toilet paper. Except this month there is none. None. Not even listed on their website. So that’s fun. I’m hoping Kroger has some when we do a grocery pick up tomorrow.
4. Homeschooling-wise we are keeping it pretty normal now that I’m starting to feel better (you can check out my update from last week) So G and I are doing her regular routine of reading, math, and handwriting, with history and grammar happening once or twice a week. We’ve also been doing this amazing Coloring the Classics book that her piano teacher gave her- they color scenes from the composers life while listening to his works. It’s a hit with both G and Will.
5. Since Michigan schools are closed, as are a lot of other states, I thought I’d share a few resources that I love and often use to supplement our homeschooling efforts. You can find my favorite online homeschooling resources here. If you need some things to help keep that kiddo of yours occupied and still learning, check them out.
6. Documentaries! I am a big fan of documentaries. We definitely use screen time in our house, but I try my best to make it worthwhile screen time. Here are a few we’ve watched this year and found to be AWESOME. Bonus: these are all documentaries that would be suitable for both young kids and older siblings.
- Apollo 11 We got to see this on the IMAX screen at The Henry Ford, and it was fabulous. All of the footage has been digitally remastered and most has been put into color. We’ve been learning about Space these days, and William loved seeing the moon landing for real. It runs for about an hour, and is very kid-friendly. Some of it went over their heads, but the sights and sounds were engaging for them, and William especially picked up a ton of new information.
- Wild Australia Australia is our current continent that we’re studying wtih our continent boxes, so I was excited to find this great series all about it’s animal life. I liked that it’s set up by climate, and they do a great job of making the diversity of life in Australia shine through. One heads up: this documentary doesn’t shy away from the fact that some animals eat other animals. It’s not overly gorey, but there is footage of animals hunting. My kids love that kind of stuff, but if yours don’t, maybe steer clear of this one.
- Blue Planet This just might be my favorite documentary series of all time. It’s gorgeous. And educational. And fascinating for all. If you have never seen it, put it on your list now.
7. A quick book update to finish the takes: I’m currently working on the first round of edits for my Marian Consecration, and Rebecca is on her final illustrations. We’ll be looking at seeing it starting to get put together later this spring, and are waiting on a release date from OSV, so more on that when we know! Say some prayers as we get closer to making this dream a reality and put it in your hands.
I’m linking up with Kelly this week, so head on over for the other quick takes.
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