The Source and Summit of our Faith.
The focus of the entire year.
Jesus, fully present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist.
Bread and wine become body and blood, and it is the greatest miracle the world has ever experienced. And yet, sometimes it’s tricky to explain to our kids.
Sometimes we need resources to help us.
Here are a few of my favorite books (because you know I love a good book) to help your family better understand and appreciate the incredible gift of Eucharist.

Jesus and the Miracle of the Mass

This title from author Gracie Jagla is one of my favorites. Gracie’s books are always huge hits with my kids. Seriously, all of her books are lyrical gems and manage to convey Truths of the Faith in ways that my children can truly appreciate. This one is perfect for the Year of the Eucharist.
Eucharistic Saints

This new title from TAN Books has already been read and re-read over here, and not just because of Adalee Hude’s gorgeous illustrations (you’ll remember her from The Women Doctors of the Church). I love the short stories- the length is perfect for a quick addition to our bedtime routine.

Stories of the Eucharist is the book you didn’t know you were looking for (or maybe you’re like me and you feel like you’ve been waiting awhile for this one). Like Eucharistic Saints, this one is also a compilation, but you’ll appreciate that this book can age up with your kids. Put it on your list if you’ve got older elementary and up. Some of my favorites are in this one.
My Son Carlo

Most of us know at least a little about Bl. Carlo (soon to be Saint Carlo!!!), but this biography about him is unique in that it’s written by his mom. For a full review, you can check out my article here. But, I will say that if you want your family to grow closer to Christ in the Eucharist, the witness of Antonia and her son will be the inspiration you need.