Sharing Faith

How to Tell Your Witness Story to Your Children

Have you ever wondered how to pass on your faith?

We surround our children with stories, but so often leave out the most important stories of all: 

the ones about our faith. 

In this 6 part course, I'll teach you how to share your unique witness with the people who need to hear it most: your kids.

Want to know more? Click the video below

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Sharing faith: introduction

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13 years old the median age a young person leaves the Church

So how do we root our own children more firmly in the Faith? We need to tell our own witness story! We need to connect with our children authentically and help them to understand why faith matters.

Get the Sharing Faith Course Free

About Me

Colleen Pressprich

Colleen is the author of Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children and Women Doctors of the Church. 

She is a former Montessori teacher and missionary, current homeschooling mom with a passion for helping parents transmit their faith to their kids. 

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