Last summer I started thinking ahead to my Marian consecration renewal. I was hoping to find a consecration preparation that I could complete with G, who gravitates naturally to our Lady. After looking high and low, I came across a new book by Carrie Gress written for children desiring to make a consecration to Mary. I bought it and read through it. It is spectacular, and if you have older children, please check it out!
But what struck me most was the introduction, where Gress explains that she wrote it for her own children because she couldn’t find a resource to fit their need. I told Mark about it, and being a supremely supportive husband, he encouraged me to sit down and write something for our daughter myself, which I did. And as I wrote, I prayed, and I asked Mary what she wanted my daughter to know about her. I thought about all of my favorite parts of Marian devotions, and the many beautiful prayers of the Church; I thought about the Blessed Virgin in scripture, and some great saints who have experienced her through apparitions.
The more I wrote, the more God was nudging my heart that what was pouring out of me was bigger than our family, which is a humbling and scary feeling. So I took a leap, and sent a draft out to some families I know for feedback. And then I took another leap, and wrote to a complete stranger, whose art I love and kept seeing in my mind’s eye in conjunction with this book, to see if she would be willing to illustrate it (Spoiler alert: she said yes! and is one of the most impressive people I know. If you haven’t checked out Rebecca’s art, please do it now)
I started working on a book proposal and learning about the world of publishing. The words that have been going through my head on repeat these last months are the words of St. Katherine Drexel, “make haste slowly.” It is not in my nature to be particularly patient when I feel like God is asking something of me, I have a tendency to be more of a dive right in person, but this, this work, I knew I had to get right, to prepare well and thoroughly. Thankfully, I have a wonderful father-in-law with a skill set in this area, who read through draft after draft of my proposal, suggested edits, pointed me in the direction of marketing resources, and encouraged me. It was a gift to be able to work with him and to build our relationship.
And then a few months ago, I got a text from Dad P., saying that he had just had brunch with an old friend at Our Sunday Visitor, and had told him about the project I was working on. It seemed like an incredible God-incidence. They hadn’t seen each other in years and happened to be at the same conference. About a week later, I received an email from an acquisitions editor from OSV, asking for more information on what I’ve written.
By the grace of God, the proposal was written and ready to go. So I sent it, and then waited. And heard back, and waited again. And again, and again, as my little book proposal made it’s way through the vetting process.
And now the contract is officially signed, sealed, and delivered! Come Summer 2020, my Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children will be available for purchase with illustrations by the inestimable Rebecca Gorzynska. I am beyond grateful to be able to work with OSV and Rebecca on this project!
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