St. Catherine of Siena’s feast day falls on April 29th (I also like to include her in our fall celebrations alongside the other Women Doctors of the Church in the fall!).
This powerhouse of a woman is great patron saint for young people and provides a wonderful example of how to speak truth with love.
One activity I like to do on her feast day with my kids is write letters of encouragement.
Setting Up A Letter Writing Station

St. Catherine of Siena was well known for her vast correspondence during her life. She wrote to Popes and Cardinals, to religious and lay people, and in each relationship, she focused on speaking truth with love and encouraging others in their walk with Jesus, especially during hard times. To honor her, we’ll be setting up a card writing station, where the kids can color pictures and write cards or notes for the people that they love who might be sick, struggling, or just need to know they are loved.

You’ll Need:
- an assortment of cards or folded cardstock and envelopes
- pencils, colored pencils, or markers
- stamps
- a St. Catherine of Siena Quote (you can download mine or Google your own)
- an address book for older children to address their own letters

Set out all materials in a basket or on a table and let the children create as desired. Be available to help with spelling or writing for younger children.

As a bonus- if you homeschool this activity makes a wonderful language arts activity!
For more St. Catherine of Siena resources
You can download my Women Doctors Party Pack, which has bookmarks and recipe links to help you celebrate her and the other three ladies!
And don’t forget to read a copy of The Women Doctors of the Church too!