Elder Care Tips for the Holidays

elder care tips for the holidays

Taking care of Gram is a blessing and a joy, but it does require some adjustments and some work, especially around the holidays. Gram’s dementia means that routine and stability are paramount to her happiness, and she is always less anxious when everything is the same. Holiday visits from families, extra activity in the house, … Read more

Elder Care

elder care

We are an inter-generational household. Three and a half years ago, we moved my grandmother in with us. Mark and I both firmly believe in the sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death, and we believe that all people deserve to be loved andย  cared for with dignity. We have the means … Read more

They Don’t Come with Manuals

It’s true about children, and it’s true about the elderly. I learn and grow every single day of caring for Gram. Sometimes I wish there was a “100 Things You Need to Know About Caring for the Elderly” book or a “5 Things to Do to Keep a Peaceful Inter-generational Home” article, a quick and … Read more

Prepping a Move with Lots of Moving Parts

We’ve reached an exciting (and slightly terrifying) stage of life over here- we are in the process of buying our first house. Since we found out that Mark matched locally, we’ve been working with a realtor and hoping to find a place to call home in our current town. The right house in the right … Read more

Cleaning Dentures, and the Recognition of Being a Gift

One of the hardest parts of elder care, at least for me, is finding the right balance between what Gram is capable of and what she needs help with. As she’s gotten older, we’ve seen new losses of capacity, most of which happened gradually, though looking back at where she was 4 years ago and … Read more