With Thanksgiving just around the corner, and G studying the pilgrims sailing to America in Early American History, I’ve been preparing Thanksgiving activities for us for the next few weeks, and I thought I’d share the printables I’ve created.
They’re ideal for kindergarten or first graders, though you can modify it for other ages.

The first printable is a top-fold card with the above design and includes two dotted lines for writing the greeting of your child’s choice. Then they get to color the leaves and turkey. The inside is blank.

This Happy Thanksgiving coloring page will have your child feeling festive as they decorate the banner and color in the turkey.

The next two are writing projects, the first is a First Thanksgiving Fact Sheet where G will answer the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why. Then we’ll take that information and transfer it into her First Thanksgiving Book. The book pdf includes a cover paged and pages of half sheet dotted lines. You can print as many as your child needs to describe the first Thanksgiving.
This last one is a 2 page pdf. The first page is a very simple “What I’m thankful for” brainstorming sheet. And the second is a handwriting page for what my kids call “the johnny appleseed prayer” which is a variation of a sung grace before meals.