My kids are getting older which means that they’re becoming more and more
Celebrate Advent with
The Jesse Tree For Families
The Jesse Tree is the family tree of Jesus Christ. Its name comes from Jesse, the father of King David, referring to the words of Isaiah: "But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom" (11:1). This prophecy refers to the coming of the Messiah from the family of King David. Over time it became tradition during Advent to review the family of Christ as a way of illustrating the story of salvation.
The Jesse Tree for Families presents a lovely, achievable way to celebrate the liturgical season of Advent with your children. Each day focuses on a specific person from Jesus' family tree with a meditation perfect for the whole family and a beautifully illustrated portrait, plus an ornament to hang on your family's Jesse tree. Conversation starters and resources for parents are included, with the goal of helping your family grow in faith so that, together, you can prepare for the arrival of Christmas.
Praise for The Jesse Tree for Families
I’ve seen/own a lot of Jesse Tree books and they’re generally pretty meh. But yours is both beautiful (words and images) and practical for families! Great conversations to be had!
Kim Kerwin
/ Teacher, Catechist
The writing is truly beautiful.. As a writer myself, I sometimes feel like I have expectations and standards. We have all of Colleen's books, and she never disappoints! It is easy-to-read, engaging, happy and humble. I really appreciate how the book has notes for parents that help walk us through discussions with children. Before getting this book, I would've told you I didn't care much about the Jesse Tree. But, since having it, I have just loved the stories and they have sparked many conversations about the faith (even beyond the Jesse Tree!) that we never would've had without the book.
Gracie Jagla
/Catholic Children's Author
As someone who has great hopes to do the Jesse Tree every year...and then fails miserably...I am SO HAPPY Colleen created this book! It's super easy to follow along with, and the bite-sized reflections are perfect for our busy family of 8. I love that it's for children too, so even our youngest is able to follow along and participate.
Sam Mead
/Cultivating Catholics
Comes with 2 Sets of Full Color Ornaments
Open up the book's dust jacket and find a full set of ornaments hiding inside. A second set on glossy paper is found in the back of the book.

A Note from Colleen
This book you see here is the culmination of years of work.
I have pondered with, sat with, and prayed with the stories it contains, wanting to provide the very best resource for your family.
I've prayed for you as well. Throughout the writing process and now as it is here in the world, I have prayed for the families who will use it, who will find within its pages stories to encourage, sustain, and support their faith.
I pray for the children who will meet the men and women in Jesus' family, that their faith may grow through the process.
I pray for the parents who are teaching their children to thirst for their Savior.
As you prepare for the upcoming season, know that this Jesse Tree is for you and your family. And I am beyond honored to be able to be a part of your Advent.
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