One of my sharpest memories as a child is of my grandmother’s house. It was a warm, comforting place, one of my favorites to visit. I loved spending time there with her. And at the end of her hallway was a print of Raphael’s Madonna and Child.
Gram lives with us now, and that same print hangs at the end of my hallway, a constant reminder of Our Lady’s presence in our lives and her protection over our family.
Having a devotion to Mary has deepened not only my own faith, but it’s helped strengthen our family’s domestic church as well. As St. Louis de Montfort wrote, “Mary always leads us to Jesus.” This has been certainly true in our home.
If you’re ready to deepen your relationship with Our Lady, try this seven day challenge designed to do just that.
Read More in the Spring 2021 Edition of the Unleash the Gospel Magazine

Grow your family's devotion to Mary with a consecration